Yep, you guessed it. Still training for the Columbus Marathon! It seems harder this time to get into a groove and it has me asking myself "what is with this training?" It seems like the days I run, I have to be more concerned with hydration and humidity readings than how long or fast my runs are. When training for the Louisville Derby Marathon, I didn't really have to worry hydration or humidity because I trained during the mild winter of 2011-2012. All I really had to focus on was getting stronger and gaining endurance. Now, all I can think of is c'mon Fall 2012, because I am tired of finishing runs where I sweat so much it looks like I just got finished swimming with all my clothes on. Anyone know any tips for dealing with humidity and not letting it affect your running during long endurance runs? If so, I would greatly appreciate any advice or information.
Yes, as you guessed, I sweat a lot and it doesn't matter what time of day, as long as the humidity is high, I am always sweating my butt off (literally). Anyway, I know towards the end of the Winter, I will be glad to see Spring and Summer 2013. That s what is so mice about living in Kentucky, you actually do get to see all four seasons each year. It seems this year though, Fall cannot get here fast enough.
It has been an extremely busy August and Spetember doesn't look like it will slow down much either. Between training for Columbus, Work, and all my husbandly and fatherly duties, it looks like I have a full monthload of fun...and just think, it is only just a few more months until Christmas. Awesome! (sarcasm, of course). Other than the training, I did run a new 5K PR during the Midsummer's Night Run in Downtown Lexington, Ky. I ran a 24:10 which was 2:16 better than the 5K I ran last November and about 12 minutes faster than the same race in 2011. I wanted to break 24 minutes but I will just have to wait until later this year to try that.
I also volunteered for the Louisville Ironman. I will tell you, I had a blast! I was there about 16 hours and it seemed to fly by. I met all kinds of people (even a pretty well known ultra marathoner!) that volunteered and the athletes were just amazing! It really made me want to do an Ironman next year, but I know I will have to keep myself in check and just take it all in and decide with my head rather than the "fly by the seat of my pants" methodology. I really enjoy triathlons, and I know I will do more, but I have come to realization that I really LOVE running and I may still do an Ironman next year or the year after that, I want to focus on trying to get the most out of my running. After all, running is what really helped me to lose the weight and that is important to me to keep doing it to maintain my goals.
Another big moment for me this August was getting my braces off. I have had my braces (for the 2nd time in my life) since I started this weight loss and it seemed like the turning of another chapter in my life of making myself a better "ME." I have attached before and after photos below so everyone could see the difference. I was really blown away at the difference, especially when looking at the photos side by side.
Even one photo (bottom left), I cannot even fit my head all the way in the picture because it was so big. Either way you look at it, neither of the photos are the prettiest pictures, but there is definitely a difference between the left and the right photos (besides the shirt - haha). One thing I noticed is that I don't always look like I am squinting as much (must have been the fat rolls weighing on my eyelids.)
Anyone have any races or events coming up? If so, I would really like to know what kind of training you are doing.
Also, for any readers out there that don't mind sharing some helpful hints or recipes on fruit smoothies. As I have stated before, I really am not a fruit person, so the only real way I can eat fruit is by making a smoothie. I have been using blueberries, strawberries, and bananas with orange juce since last year and I haven't tried anything else, so any ideas or recipes would be awesome!
Thanks everyone!
So anyway, I am still running, still training, and right now, sweating like crazy...